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Bissau Google maps

Bissau is one of the most populated cities in Guinea-Bissau, and at the same time, this city is the capital of this country. Located in Africa, you may find the city easily with the following GPS coordinates: 11.86N latitude / 15.58W longitude. For routing in Bissau, please check the free driving directions Bissau service below.

When you visit Guinea-Bissau, be prepared that the official spoken language(s) is Portuguese, and the officially used currency is West African CFA franc (XOF).

Bissau, the capital city, has numerous population; 296 900 counted together with the city’s metropolitan areas. While Bissau counts around the inhabitants mentioned earlier, the mother country, Guinea-Bissau, bears 1 907 268 sum citizens spreading on its 13 947,93 sq mi / 36 125 km2 territory.

The form of the ruling government in Guinea-Bissau is Unitary semi-presidential republic, and interestingly note that the people here share the motto: Unidade, Luta, Progresso (Unity, Fight, Progress), while salute for the national anthem called: Esta é a Nossa Pátria Bem Amada (This is Our Beloved Homeland).

Google maps Bissau, and the satellite map of the city is a free and useful dynamic tool to discover the capital of Guinea-Bissau and the neighboring countries like Guinea, Senegal.

Please look at this country’s information page for a wide range of information such as economic data, population, geographical knowledge, additional Guinea-Bissau Google maps, satellite imagery, etc.

Google maps Bissau

Short geographic information for Guinea-Bissau

A neighbor of Senegal and Guinea in West Africa, on the Atlantic coast, Guinea-Bissau is about half the size of South Carolina. The country is a low-lying coastal region of swamps, rain forests, and mangrove-covered wetlands, with about 25 islands off the coast. The Bijagos archipelago extends 30 mi (48 km) out to sea.

Driving Directions Bissau

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